About Me
I am a Certified Financial Planner CFP®, NLP and Enneagram Practitioner and have over 19 years of experience in facilitating, consulting, coaching and training in a wide variety of Financial Planning focused topics.
My Passion
My passion is to empower people on financial concepts,
financial wellness, financial planning and behavioural finance. I acted as a Legal and Technical trainer, facilitator, Risk and Compliance Consultant, Project Manager and Management consultant in the Financial Services industry.

More About Me
I completed the Post Graduate Diploma in Financial planning Law at the University of Free State, South Africa, and furthered my studies in 2013 to complete the Advanced Post Graduate Diploma in Financial Planning Law, specialising in Risk- and Estate Planning at the same institute.
Through assisting financial advisers, clients, family and friends I realised that conventional financial planning methods do not guarantee results and I started investigating what impacts our financial decisions. I realised that by understanding human behaviour and your personality, you can take steps to improve your financial decisions in the future.
The Focus
I focus on all financial planning and financial wellness topics and recently on the psychology of money and how our beliefs, expectations, and feelings influence our financial behaviour, success, and disappointment. This means that financial success is an “inside job”. I have an absolute passion to empower individuals through assessing, training and development, mentoring and coaching. I truly believe that if you want to live your life at the highest level and reach your potential, you must, learn how to grow and develop yourself so you have the best chance of becoming the person you were meant to be.
The Challenge
Our greatest challenge as financial planners and financial coaches is in changing the unconscious behaviours of clients. When someone has a low score on a financial literacy exam, it is easy to build a curriculum to help him/her understand compounding interest better. However, helping the investment banker avoid the bottle of champagne or the adventurer avoid the next spontaneous weekend trip to Vegas is a much more difficult problem to solve. Our attitudes or habitual ways of thinking about money can make the difference in success or failure with money and with life in general. Fortunately, our attitudes are subject to change even though many people are not aware of it.
But we can, in fact, change our lives by changing our attitudes and understanding the impact of our personality on the way we manage our money.
My hope is that when people become conscious of the unconscious they can wake up to their own potential and leave a legacy.
My personal mission is to promote rapid self-awareness by combining financial planning, coaching, and your personality to help individuals to make shifts in their financial well-being and performance.

Where did it all start?
Alta completed the Post Graduate Diploma in Financial planning Law at the University of Free State, South Africa, and furthered her studies in 2013 to complete the Advanced Post Graduate Diploma in Financial Planning Law, specialising in Risk- and Estate Planning at the same institute.
My WHY is to continuously learn, understanding the impact of Financial Planning knowledge and Human Behavior and then share what I’ve learned as ideas that others can implement.”
The Why
We should all know our “Why” – the reason WHY we exist in this world and WHY we do what we do – mine is to continuously learn, analyze, and share this with other individuals to make more informed financial decisions.
In order to understand the beliefs and perceptions of clients I furthered my studies in Neuro Linguistic Programming and Life coaching. Understanding your own Personality, Relationships and Communication is also key to the Financial Health of any individual, and I use the Enneagram to understand clients and maximize the impact of our unconscious beliefs in my coaching models and to maximize the trust relationships between clients.
Alta is a member of the Financial Planning Institute (FPI), where she serves on various committees to promote the CFP professional designation as well as Behavioral Finance and Financial Wellness.